The trick For Dealing your HP Virus Which to attack

I have not posted for a long time, time I will share tips and tricks to deal with viruses that attack our HP. There may already know, but I just wanted to share to the guys who do not know.
Usually those who have problems beginian Symbian-based HP is the owner, if the java is rarely found. Normally when a virus has menginveksi our HP, the virus makes us so HP's super slow, frequent application errors, often sending a multimedia message "pending", send sms itself, etc.. The most severe when we send sms HP itself, can even result in numbers we can on the block by the service concerned (usually INDOSAT).
Here are the steps - steps that should be done if the HP infected with the virus.

The first step, scan your phone with the antivirus first. Delete the virus is detected. if the virus still survive further into the second step.
The second step, exactly how these lightweight format HP for HP back fresh as new out of the factory. Memory-Backup (gallery, phone books, photos, etc.) first. -Press * # 7370 # then ok / yes -Wait until the process is complete -Check whether the virus is still there or not.
Third, this step is performed if step 1 & 2 does not work. Memory-Backup (gallery, phone books, photos, etc.) first. -Press buttons 3, *, call, on / off SCARA simultaneously. 2 people can do if trouble. Loading, will appear with a black screen running from left to right reads "formatting". -Wait until the process is complete. Now HP's you have been liberated from the virus.
Hopefully useful.


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