Forgot Joomla Admin password

For those of you who have websites that use Joomla CMS, if one day you forget the administrator password, so can not go to joomla admin backend, here is an easy trick to reset the password back ..
First you first register as a new user on the front page websiteya, usually for registration are asked to enter your name, user name, email, and password. well remember the user name and password as the password, which will become the admin password replacement later.
Once you register a new user, then go to php-myadmin (via c-panel) and then entered into the database. jos_user search .. and open content

Inside jos_user there will be a series of codes and passwords for admin users who have .. find the name of the user that we had registered, in this example a user who had registered were dsds,

Copy this code a new user passwords and then paste in the code administrator's password, so that the same administrator password
user password that we created / register earlier .. Done.

Now, please login using the admin with new password.

Hopefully useful.  


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